jdi na obsah

Third Trip & Parvati records

Parvati je nezávislý label z Dánska, který v roce 2000
založila malá skupina přátel, kteří se dostali do zajetí psytrance již
na konci 80tých let díky dji Byzught, který začal na Goa sbírat první
tracky a od té doby je také hraje.
Po několika letech chození na parties a i jejich pořádání
v jejich domovském Aarhusu se rozhodli rozjet Parvati Records, jelikož
díky shánění nové hudby z undergroundu věděli, že existuje mnoho lidí,
kteří dělají skvělé věci, ale které nebylo možné najít na žádných oficiálních
kompilacích nebo albech.
V Parvati records milují trance s opravdu silným psychedelickým
vlivem a jsou si jistí, že na světě existuje mnoho lidí, kteří tento styl
také mají velmi rádi. A to byl také další důvod ke startu Parvati records:
přinášet víc takové hudby a vytahovat hudebníky z jejich studií a dostat
jejich hudbu k lidem. Nebo alespoň tomu trochu pomoci.
Parvati bylo tak založeno na těchto konceptech a rozhodli
se pro začátek vydávat pouze kompilace. Věřili, že nová generace psytrance
hudebníků má co říci a chtěli je podpořit i kvůli posunu celé trance scény.
Parvati se nebojí vydat úplně neznámého umělce, pokud
je jeho hudba na určité kvalitativní úrovni a jejich filozofie také říká,
že si radši vyberou výborný track s horší produkcí než super vyprodukovaný
normální track. Myslí, že hlavní je idea tracku, ne kvalita zvuku a všechny
tyhle věci. Nezajímají se o hi-tech produkci, ale o opravdové pocity,
které hudba může přinést. Ale samozřejmě pracují na zvukové kvalitě jejich
produkce. Až dosud jsou jejich cds masterována v studiu člověka jménem
Drix z Orichalcum a jeho schopnosti společně s kvalitními mašinkami přináší
svoje výsledky.
Parvati se objevily na scéně v říjnu 2002 se svou první
kompilací "First Step", která jim otevřela cestu. Jejich druhá
kompilace "Psychedelically Yours" z dubna 2002 jen posílila
jejich chuť pokračovat ve své práci, což jim potvrdilo i mnoho mailů od
lidí, kteří byli rádi, že Parvati neslevili ze svého stylu nasazeným s
"First Step".
Dnešní Parvati tvoří Giuseppe - zakladatel a label manager,
Byzught, který se zaměřuje na hudbu a je také jejich DJ, Btina se stará
o stránky a grafiku. Na tanečních parketech je také reprezentuje Marco
aka dj Natan - zakladatel a manažer distribuce Wirikuta.
A co na nás chystají v budoucnosti? Hned v lednu 2003
svou další kompilaci "Third Trip" a poté i alba některých lidí,
kteří u nich vydávají.
A o nadcházející kompilaci si můžete něco přečíst v následujícím
textu v angličtině.

Parvati Records is an independent label based
in Denmark and founded in year 2000 by a little group of friends who had
been enjoying psytrance-music since the end of the 80’ thanks to french
Dj Byzught who started to collect tracks in Goa and play this music since
After some years of partying and organizing events in
their home town Aarhus, they decided to start Parvati Records coz listening
to new music through pure underground channels they knew that there was
a lot of guys out there making exciting tracks in their own studios but
this music was not to be found on released compilations or cd’s.
They loved and love the trance with a strong psychedelic
feeling and they were and are sure that there is a lot of people who like
this style too, and this is another good reason for them to start Parvati
Records: bring more of the psychedelic music and musicians out of their
homestudios and present it to party people around the world, or at least
try to help for this !
Parvati Records was then started on these concepts and
they chosed to publish in the start only compilations: they believed
that a new generation of psy-trance artists had something to say and they
wanted to support them for the good of the whole trance scene.
At Parvati they are not afraid to publish an unknown
artist if the music is of a certain technical quality level and their
publishing-philosophy says that between a super production of a normal
track and a bad production of a super inspirated track, they choose to
release the second. They think infact that the idea behind the track is
the main thing, not the quality of sound and all that. They are not for
the hightech story, but for the warm hearted feelings that music can also
bring up in theirself.
But sure they work to achieve the best possible quality of sound in their
productions : so far their cds have been mastered in the studio of Drix
(Oricalchum) and his sound engeneering capacities together with the top
quality machines used give them an excellent result !!
Parvati Records appeared on the scene in August 2001
with the compilation "First Step" which opened the way for their
work and made them feel that all this was possible.
Their second compilation "Psychedelically Yours", released in
April 2002, has strengenhed their will to continue in this label project:
they got lots of mails from people who was so happy that they were continuing
on the same path started with First Step, and that they did not change
their psychedelic style.
The staff of Parvati Records is today composed by Giuseppe
founder and label manager, Byzught music adviser and Parvati Dj, Btina
for the website and graphics.
On dance floors Parvati Records is also represented by
Marco aka Dj Natan founder and manager of Wirikuta their worldwide distribution
Parvati’s release schedule for the future includes a
new compilation for January 2003, "Third Trip", and for spring/summer
albums with some of the artists published by us so far.
And here is something about their forthcoming release
"Third Trip"

open the CD we have chosen a track from MIC which is a project we have
had with us since "First Step" and that we love for its solar
sound, the funny trippy atmospheres created and.....it is based in Goa,
the mother of all parties !
On nr. 2 Azax Syndrom, a young israeli artist , his music is very powerful
and highly psychedelic. We look forward to hear more from him in the future............
The Osom project gives us track nr. 3. This is an underground production
exploded in a moscovite studio through the meeting of some russian artists.
Watch out for this one !!!
At nr. 4 Psychotic Micro is the project born from the ashes of Psycho
Micro (remember Digital Blood ?).
With a new style they´re kickin´more then ever: a full power production
which leads us into the world of Kindzadza who is waiting for us at nr.
5. He is a russian guy who we are really happy to release coz it looks
like he knows what psychedelic music is about and with his track he´s
gonna tell us which sport he likes and.....sure... we like it too !!
At nr. 6 we have Dj Gill´s Hyper Frequencies production. With his mature
and solid sound he takes us on a night ride : hold tight if you can but
we think it´s better to let it loose....
What follows at nr.7 is the latest production from the other project that
has been with Parvati Records since our first release: Digital Talk aka
Droidsect. In the beginning we looked at these guys as the top of one
iceberg of underground psychedelic musicians and trance producers who
were coming strongly out of their studios........ now we know they´ve
come to stay and to kick our asses !!!
Neuromotor or the "french energizer" gives us the eight track
which surely will storm the dancefloors at nighttime. Welcome to Parvati
To end this journey at Nr. 9 is a production from Berlin: the Sticky Fingers
are landing the "Third Trip"............... and they do it smoothly
for us !
We are pressing the cd right now, and in a few weeks it will be available
in shops around the world and on the net."
Parvati Records

29.12.2002 | cymoon | magazín